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Pipedream by Shapiro


"Pipedream" by Bruce Shapiro – The pipe screen of this kinetic instalation displays popular images like Mona Lisa or Marilyn Monroe photos consisting of air bubbles. (This one is Einstein.) You can also be portrayed if you take a photo of yourself according to given instructions, and soon it will appear on the "Pipedream.”  ...part of the Art + Science Collection at the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw, Poland    - photo by Paulina Skoczylas
Cet été, en passant par Varsovie (Pologne), nous avons visité le centre Copernic. Ce site dédié à la vulgarisation scientifique, est composé de différents espaces selon le public concerné ou la discipline abordée. A l'entrée, un immense film de savon se forme sous l'action des visiteurs. Celui-ce n'est pas sans rappeler celui du Palais de la Découverte à Paris et a attiré beaucoup mon attention (voir le projet Réflexion prochainement). Mais surtout, j'y ai découvert cette superbe installation art-science de Bruce Shapiro composée de 96 tubes alignés et remplis d'huile dans lesquels flottent des bulles d'air. Cette sculpture cinétique pourrait sembler chaotique mais après quelque instant des visages de célébrités apparaissent. Incroyable ?


You are standing before one of two parts of a kinetic sculpture. Air bubles are slowly floating in 96 oil-filled pipes. From up close they seem chaotic, but take a few steps back to see that they form faces of famous people -Einstein, Presley, Copernicus. Your face can also appear in Pipedream !
You can have your picture taken and a moment later you'll see it on the pipe screen. Amazing ?

Previously a biochemist and medical intern by profession. After over a decade of work he abandoned medicine to focus on kinetic art. His installations are found in science centers in North America and in Europe.

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